Mayur Tale

Software Development Engineer

Developer, Analyst, Sportsperson, Traveller

Actively Looking For Full Time Job Opportunities

Hello, I am Mayur

  • I have 3 years of professional software development experience using Java
  • Comfortable with Software Development Life Cycle and Agile/Scrum methodology
  • I Graduated with MS in Computer Science in December 2016 (GPA 3.41/4.0)
  • Along with strong analytical and communication skills, I am capable of working under high pressure to achieve best results independently

Contact Details

  • Mayur Tale
  • San Diego, CA
  • +1 (716) 431-8699

My Strengths

Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.

Software Development Life Cycle
Data Analytical Skills
Comunication Skills
Quick Learner
Team Player

My Resume

If you call failures experiments, you can put them in your resume and claim them as achievements.

My Education

Aug 2015 - Dec 2016

MS, Computer Science - SUNY Buffalo

My concentration is in Software Engineering and Data Analysis and Mining and my master's project was Data Warehouse/OLAP design, Clustering and Classification Algorithms implementations in Java
Courses: Data Mining, Software Engineering Concepts, Data Intensive Computing, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, Analysis of Algorithms, Distributed Systems

GPA: 3.41/4.00

2008 - 2012

BE, Electronics and Telecommunication - GECA India

I did my bachelor's degree from Government College of Engineering Aurangabad, India. My concentratopn was Software/Embeded programming. My final year project was Developing a robotic vehicle using image processing concepts.

CGPA: 7.83/10.00

Work Experience
2012 - 2015

2013 - 2015

Software Engineer - TATA Consultancy Services, Pune, India

TCS Embeded Code Analyzer (Java)
Developed TECA tool to log possible runtime errors in Embedded C code by static analysis
Researched and Developed a module to query information about variables from a framework
Improved the performance of the tool by over 13% using MISRA C-2004, ISO-26262 standards of programming


  • As part of R&D team, studied and reserched over various types of errors and standard specifications for MISRA C standards
  • Responsible for coding and testing divide-by-zero type error module and communicate progress between teams
  • Along with the unit testing, designed test cases for the first two phases of deployment

2012 - 2013

Software Engineer Trainee - TATA Consultancy Services, Pune, India

Stagione Software Development (VB.Net)
Windows forms based software used by engineers as an interface between industry pumps, machines, and computers
Proactively proposed and implemented multilingual support for user interface using SQL server for translation storage
Prepared and maintained progress analysis report for client calls and deployed complete software with 93% CSI


  • Responsible for development and delivery for all the phases of Sofware Development Life Cycle
  • Responsible for planning, coding and deploying software modules and progress communications with client
  • Along with report logging, managed client communications and requirements through client calls independently

Academic Projects
Aug 2015 - Nov 2016

Nov, 2016

Classification Algorithms

Classification Algorithms implementations
Implemented kNN, Naïve Bayes, and Decision Tree and validated accuracy and precision using 10-fold cross validation
Improved decision tree by implementing Random forest and weighted adaptive boosting for misclassified samples

Oct, 2016

Clustering Algorithms

Clustering Algorithms implementations
Implemented K-means, density based and hierarchical algometric clustering to identify genes with similar expressions
Compares results using external Rand and internal correlation index and visualized comparison results using R scripts
Implemented Map-Reduce K-means on single-node Hadoop cluster and compared results with non-parallel K-means

Sep, 2016

RESTful Web Service

RESTfult Web Service using Jersey JAX-RS
Designed and developed web service application for storing and displaying messages and comments for user profiles
Implemented HTTP methods with annotation params to return JSON, XML responses with Exception handling mappers

Sep, 2016

Data Warehouse/OLAP

Biomedical Data Warehouse/OLAP System
Designed and Implemented schema for Clinical and Genomic data warehouse using Oracle System
Successfully retrieved results for typical user queries using SQL and external Java (JDBC) program
Performed OLAP operations to classify a new patient using gene info and finding gene info given a disease

Jun, 2016

Adroid Messenger App

Simple and Group Messenger
Developed a simple one-to-one messenger app to send and recieve messenges between AVDs in Android Studio
Designed and developed a group messenger with five AVDs to store and transmit messages over TCP
Implemented permanent Key-Value storage for messages with Total and FIFO ordering guarantees

Apr, 2016

Top-K queries over RDBMS

Top-K Query Results
Implemented naïve and Threshold algorithms to return Top-K query results on relation table provided as csv file
Designed a dense B-Tree Index on table attributes and Implemented naive algorithm for Top-k join queries

Apr, 2016

Classification and Regression in Machine Learning

SVM and Logistic Regression
Implemented Logistic Regression to successfully classify handwritten digits in MNIST data into correct corrosponding labels
Successfully used Support Vector Machine (SVM) from sklearn to recognize and classify digits between 0 to 9
Compared and analyzed the results of linear and Radial basis function kernels to find best setting of variables

Mar, 2016

Parallel Processing of Big Data

Parallel Processing of Big Data
Performed data analysis and trends identification using single and multi-stage MapReduce jobs on class schedule data of the university
Developed a user interface by ingesting the trends in tableau to showcase the findings as dashboard of graphs
Solved the problem of inefficient use of classrooms using multiple MR stages to forecast course enrollments

Feb, 2016

Handwritten Digit Recognition

Handwritten Digit Recognition
Developed a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network to recognize & classify handwritten digits between 0 to 9
Successfully implemented feed forward and Back Propagation techniques in Neural Networks for digit recognition
Evaluated and analyzed the performance with training accuracy of 96% and testing dataset accuracy of 94%

Feb, 2016

Exploratory Data Analysis

Statistical Data Analysis
Performed Exploratory Data Analysis on New York Times structured and semi-structured data in RStudio
Designed and showcased an approximate statistical model representing the data graphically using RShiny

Nov, 2015

Information Retrieval System

Search Engine on twitter data
Developed a twitter tweets crawler in Java to capture tweets and write them to a JSON file
Indexed the collected data with tokenizers and analyzers to solr-5.3.0 to create dense index of tweets for search system
Improved the performance of the retrieval results by 27% using content tagging, VSM and varying tokenization techniques

Sep, 2015

HVC Algorithm in DS

HVC Algorithm Implementation
Successfully implemented Hybrid Vector Clock(HVC) algorithm for consistent snapshots in TLA+ tool
Implemented and tested Dijkstra’s 4-state and 3-state token ring algorithms in PlusCal in TLA+

Skills & Expertise

A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.














TFS version control






R Studio


Jersey JAX-RS


git version control

Contact Me


Mayur Tale